College Park High School, College Park, GA
1943 - 1988

Class Videos
Charles Hambrick, from the Class of 1948, has provided us with an historical video that was done for their reunion in 2011. It has been divided into parts so that we could use YouTube's video embed code to share it with everyone. It is a magnificent production that many will enjoy. Many thanks to Charles Hambrick for putting it together, and to Rob Heywood, the owner of Memories to DVD in Nashville for producing the video and providing the YouTube segments.
From Tom Miller, Class of 1958: Here is a copy of the CPHS Sponsors' Day video, May 1957. A movie shot by Molly Samoden’s father. The movie cameras in those days didn’t have sound. The first one I recognize in the line of sponsors is Margie Gunn (yellow dress, and taller than most others). Then the band marches by, followed by officers and sponsors. I think Tom Fitzpatrick is with Margie Gunn. I recognize Gary Stockton with a girl in a blue dress. Then the cameraman pauses at his daughter Molly (white dress, with Tom Miller). He then pans along to my brother Bob Miller, with sponsor Bonnie Neiner (white dress). Then again with Molly, then Bonnie, and repeat. The film ends with Bob Miller receiving a medal, along with a few others. Sorry I cannot identify everyone; the film is fuzzy. I’ll bet that one of the girls could do a better job identifying everyone.
Here's a video, courtesy of Ben Moon and Bonnie Brown, reminiscing with a video about Duncan's Shoe Shop.
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