In Memory

Alica Padget (Teacher)

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02/07/12 11:48 AM #1    

Dorothy Joanne Toulon (Youngblood) (1969)

One of my favorite teachers. She inspired all her students and always said exactly what she thought, you always knew where you stood with her. She inspired my life long love of history. I can't say enough good about this wonderful teacher.

07/09/15 07:42 PM #2    

Randy Hunter (1961)

She turned me around. I was not doing well having "laid out" of school for a week to go to the Daytona 500 race (what were my parents thinking). I was behind in all my classes and after a blessing out by Ms. Padgett, I returned to class with a new determination to get my act together.. That was a significant moment that motivated me to move ahead.

08/09/15 01:34 AM #3    

Dan Bruce (1960)

Mrs. Padget was my home room teacher in 8th grade. I was shy and backward when I got to CPHS, but she did something that changed my life. That first week, she appointed Lydia Cantrell and me to represent our home room on the student council. The president of the student council that year was Don Germano, and as a senior he immediately became my idol. Don was fun and bright and enthusiastic about life, and I wanted to be like him. For the rest of my time at CPHS I worked to achieve that goal. If Mrs. Padget had not picked mousey little me to be part of student council, I would probably have gone through high school hiding in the back of everything, trying to stay out of sight. Instead, I developed confidence in myself, and began to participate in things, spurred on by the example of all of those wonderful and creative seniors in the Class of 1956 (they were a special group), many of whom I got to know on student council. I was able to call Mrs. Padget a number of years later, and had the satisfaction of letting her know what a difference she had made in my life. 

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