College Park High School, College Park, GA
1943 - 1988

Updates to Tommy's profile since your last visit are highlighted in yellow.
Tommy Pike
Profile Updated: June 9, 2020
Class Year: | 1966 |
Residing In: | Crestwood, KY USA |
Spouse/Partner: | Vickie |
Occupation: | Retired |
Children: | Tom jr born 1968 Holley Born 1972 David Born 1972. Twins |
Life After High School (tell us what you've been up to):
married in 1968 have 3 kids and retired from Delta Airlines in 2000. Worked at Verizon wireless till 2013 and retired in 2013. Divorced in 1980 and remarried Vickie Pike in 1984.
School Story:
1966 grad and lived in Fayetteville, Tyrone the last 1 years. Retired from Delta Airlines in 2000 and went into the cellular business. I moved to Kentucky on August 2010 and retired June 2013.
I guess I am best known for the fight I had with Stanley Teague. We meet and talked about this a few years ago. We both thought about how stupid it was.
List the names of any of your siblings or other relatives who attended CPHS.
Cathy Pike East
Jimmy Pike
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