Robert (Bob) Rogers

Profile Updated: August 27, 2023
Class Year: 1966
Residing In: College Park, GA USA
Homepage: Listed as Robert Rogers on Facebook
Occupation: Airline flightcrew instructor
Children: None
Life After High School (tell us what you've been up to):

I remember 1966, so I guess I wasn't there as the saying goes or something like that. But indeed I was, with fond memories of what our fair city and our majestic country once were at a far different time when we had our innocent lives ahead of us. After CPHS graduation in 1966, I tried to attain my ambition to enter the airlines in my chosen area as an instructor, however all I was able to do was work the ramp. I enrolled in GSU to become a teacher to better qualify me for my goal as I also sought my pilot and instructor credentials. In the meantime, through my Delta connections, I designed new pilot wings and hat insignias and employee service pins which were all incorporated in 1968. Graduating from GSU (Magna Cum Lousy) in 1974 smack dab in the OPEC fuel crisis, I had to put my budding aviation career on hold to serve as a full-time "sub" in every Atlanta school district for about six years. After spending the summer after graduation in the UK, I later returned (as I would many times in my life) to wind up getting hitched for a while in Bristol. For the next summer I taught ground school in Miami and a navigation class for Libyan students again back in Atlanta. My big break came with World Airways in Oakland, as Head of Station Training. After we ceased operations, I moved to Sierra Academy of Aeronautics where I headed a flight dispatch training department, teaching contract African and Middle Eastern airlines students for several years. Missing traveling, I assistant-managed another flight school and got to see both Hawaii and Alaska (awesome!). Eastern Airlines contacted me to teach DC-9s, so I (reluctantly) moved back East and went with them until they ceased operations (see where this is going? ha). During a previous umpteenth trip back to England, I developed another relationship and later moved to Derby where I taught school and managed an office. After that, I moved back to Miami where I taught aviation and conversational English until I went with TWA. I moved to St. Louis where I became an MD-80 instructor. Again, I spent most of my weekends back in 'Old Blighty', London. After we (TWA)were absorbed by AA, I chose to return to Miami where I again taught conversational and written English until I went with Pilot Training College Ireland as an ATPL instructor until I was laid off. Now back in Atlanta, I am managing two pilot crashpads while also serving as a docent with the Delta Museum and a proud member of the Delta Pioneers. I am still sitting on the runway awaiting clearance to another career adventure.
It is now July 2017 and that adventure has already begun. I am now an Embraer 175 pilot instructor with Mesa Airlines d/b/a United Express in Phoenix, AZ.
It is now March 2018 and I am still at it in my career and still involved with the British community also in my cricket sports interests and related endeavors.

School Story:

Random memories:
1) When President Johnson rode down Virginia Avenue
2) The pep rally announcement that the Governor of Texas had been shot (and President Kennedy too, as an afterthought)
3) The indoor pep rally when Mr Hutchinson tried to sing the Alma Mater but forgot the words, illiciting the usual massive hissing
4) When Herbie was pushed through the window during History class
5) The auditorium assembly featuring a drunk guy performing with snakes. He was arrested afterward after one got loose.
6) The B-17 bombers buzzing the school spraying insecticide
7) The day Jackie accidentally slit her wrist with a matte knife in Ms Drew's class. Everyone just stood there in awe of the gushing blood before someone made a tourniquet.
8) The time after a football game my date Melanie lost her heirloom pocketbook which I had to look for in the dark while she yucked it up at Shoney's (never found it)
9) All the bragging I did to Mel about how fun bowling is to have her later massively outbowl me with her own bowling ball and outfit!
10) When the then current Tarzan, Gordon Scott, made an appearance at the East Point Theatre
11) Shoney's after the game
12) The time someone (who will go nameless) got hold of the school PA system and did a spot-on impersonation of our new principal, asking several pupils to be sent to the office. All immediately left school property to have lunch!
13) The etching someone carved into the desk of poor Ms Williamson (Geometry)
14) Ms Josie Snow
15) The bottle of Air Wick Mr Bostardi kept in his office due to reeking student visitors
16) Our coaches; especially Coach Badgett who taught me how to swim as a child
17) The day I accidentally knocked Sgt. Sievewright's treasured award plaque off his desk
18) When the new ROTC sergeant got shot on the firing range in the basement
19) The 'Beat the Bellhops" football stick-ons given out at the CPHS-GMA pep rally, which were summarily confiscated by staff
20) The 1966 senior party at the Atlantan Hotel where $3,000 worth of damage was done that night after the band quit playing just an hour or two after they started

List the names of any of your siblings or other relatives who attended CPHS.

Janice Rogers Benton
Susie Rogers Stuck

Robert (Bob)'s Latest Interactions

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Oct 27, 2024 at 9:26 PM

You’ve dropped off Facebook, you doing okay?

Sep 07, 2024 at 4:33 AM
Apr 04, 2024 at 5:54 AM

Happy Birthday, Pat! We’re still standing so we must be doing something right so keep it up! Enjoy your special day in celebration and with sweet memories of classmates who helped us get to where we are.

Mar 19, 2024 at 8:44 AM

Long time no see, Danny, happy birthday! I’m still at

Sep 07, 2023 at 4:33 AM
Aug 27, 2023 at 2:44 PM
Robert (Bob) Rogers changed his profile picture.
Aug 27, 2023 at 2:43 PM
Robert (Bob) Rogers changed his "Then" picture.
Aug 27, 2023 at 2:40 PM
Robert (Bob) Rogers changed his profile picture.
Aug 27, 2023 at 2:36 PM
Robert (Bob) Rogers has left an In Memory comment for his Profile.
Apr 20, 2023 at 7:28 PM

Sad to hear, Rosie was a great friend. We often laughed over her breathing incident in Mrs. Padget's class. She had instructed me to place a bag over her nose and mouth should she ever pass out in class from hyperventilating. Well it happened and although she was sitting right next to me, I didn't act as I was supposed to! It was a good thing I didn't go into medicine.

Apr 04, 2023 at 6:01 AM

Wishing you the best birthday ever, Pat! Keep in touch. Planning on the reunion?

Mar 19, 2023 at 8:29 AM

Happy Birthday, Danny! I’m in touch with Chip about every few weeks, haven’t heard from you in ages; so let me know the latest? Coming to the reunion in August?

Robert (Bob) Rogers changed his "Now" picture.
Mar 19, 2023 at 8:25 AM
Robert (Bob) Rogers changed his "Now" picture.
Mar 19, 2023 at 8:22 AM
Robert (Bob) Rogers added a comment on his Profile.
Nov 15, 2022 at 7:10 AM
Robert (Bob) Rogers has left an In Memory comment for Herb Rish.
Oct 30, 2022 at 9:31 AM

Such sad news. “Herby” grew up with the frustration of feeling he was only known as the ‘short guy.’ But to everyone else he was regarded to be tall in stature being so well mannered, reserved and amiably able to display his always sunny disposition never being cross or upset (even after the window incident in Ms. Padgett’s 9th grade History class) to be a true friend who was always there for you. I remember his backyard birthday party and another one at the rec center. Joe White and I gave him the same 45 record! We lost touch and I often asked Pat Frady about him and was happy to hear he had gained a few inches and was leading a successful and rewarding life of which his loving parents would be proud. We will miss you, Herb and thanks for being such a good and loyal friend. 

Oct 19, 2022 at 8:51 AM

Congratulations and Happy Birthday, Big Chip! Here’s a special poem I would like to share with you and hope you will like it although it doesn’t start with, “There was an old man from Nantucket…”

Sep 07, 2022 at 4:33 AM
Apr 04, 2022 at 8:02 AM

It’s a very special day, Pat, enjoy it to the fullest - Happy Birthday!

Mar 19, 2022 at 8:19 AM

Hope you’re enjoying the good life, Danny, be good to hear from ya! Happy Birthday to you!

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Posted: Jul 20, 2017 at 9:12 PM